❤️ Hello there. I hope this finds you full of joy and positive vibes.

I was feeling some creative juices during my morning walk (Google Map Link). My creation is below. I do hope it doesn’t creep you out. haha

❤️ This week’s What Am I Signing? lesson has fingerspelling recognition and a delicious antonym pair.

We also have a video lesson link so YOU can use today’s sign pair in context (see below).

(Go straight to the video lesson)

❤️ Scroll down to begin today’s recognition and sign pair lesson.

Thanks for spending time with us. Have an incredible day!

– Michael (Able Lingo Instructor Info)

👉 P.S. Click here if you’d like to use daily emails for learning to sign full sentences.

Scroll down to get started

Scroll for slower signing.

Scroll for the answer.

Scroll for the video lesson.

Sign a dialogue using the sign pair above.

Facial expressions play a crucial role in ASL, particularly when asking questions.

Typically, for wh- questions (who, what, why, where, when, which, and how), the eyebrows are lowered.

In contrast, for yes/no questions, the eyebrows are raised.

Eyebrows are awesome.

Preview The First 60+ Lessons!

1) Full category preview: Starter Signs + ASL Pronouns
2) Try our 2-part Testing: (1) Sign (2) Understand
ASL Tips, Dialogues, and Extras Included!