❤️ Well, hello there. I hope this finds you having just eaten your favorite tasty meal.

This morning I wandered around the pool (Google Maps link). It was 5:30 AM and not a soul to see except for me. I’m finding early morning to be one of my favorite times of day.

❤️ This week’s What Am I Signing? lesson includes fingerspelling recognition and antonym signs. Just lovely.

We also have a video lesson link so YOU can use today’s sign pair in context (see below).

(Go straight to the video lesson)

❤️ Scroll down to begin today’s recognition and sign pair lesson.

Thanks for spending time with us. Have an incredible day!

– Michael (my ASL journey)

👉 P.S. If you’d like that special someone to get these emails too, use this link.

Scroll down to get started

Scroll for slower signing.

Scroll for the answer.

Scroll for the video lesson.

Sign a dialogue using the sign pair above.

Try to prevent any bright light from shining directly into the face of the person watching you.

For deaf individuals, bright lights are similar to the way noise affects hearing individuals.

Be respectful. Be responsible. Be fun to be around.

Peek Inside Our ASL Bundle

This intro course is 100% free preview.
I give you a guided tour. Have fun!