❤️ Hi there. I hope this finds you full of good cheer and positive vibes.

This morning I explored some nature (Google Maps link). Quite a few mosquitoes. As long as I keep moving they leave me alone. When I stop even for a moment they’re after me. Perhaps they enjoy western dining options. hehe

❤️ This week’s What Am I Signing? lesson includes fingerspelling recognition and similar signs. Awesome possum.

We also have a video lesson link so YOU can use today’s sign pair in context (see below).

(Go straight to the video lesson)

❤️ Scroll down to begin today’s recognition and sign pair lesson.

Thanks for spending time with us. Have an incredible day!

– Michael (my ASL journey)

👉 P.S. To see our full selection of ASL courses, click here.

Scroll down to get started

Scroll for slower signing.

Scroll for the answer.

Scroll for the video lesson.

Use the sign pair with context.

Avoid nervous habits like drumming your fingers on a table or tapping your shoe on the floor.

These actions can cause a deaf person to frequently turn and look at you, trying to figure out what you want.

Deaf individuals are especially sensitive to vibrations, so it’s best to minimize any unnecessary movements.

Wisdom begins in wonder. – Socrates

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